Announcing Our Not So Public Beta 🚀

DAY 1 Kickoff

Nimbus Joins Eden

the rebuild phase

The first month, known as "the rebuild phase," was dedicated to onboarding myself and completely rebuilding the Nimbus product to ensure a seamless transition for Eden. This phase was crucial to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest with PeterMD, necessitating the creation of an entirely new codebase and design framework.

A screenshot of the nimbus rx dashboard.

3 Big Bets

Live & Functional Admin Panel

During the rebuild phase, the top prioritie was to set up a live, working admin panel that could handle the core parts of eden operations. This admin panel needed to be able to (1) manage patients, (2) products, and (3) orders, making sure everything ran efficiently and was easy to access. 

By zeroing in on these three areas within the first month, I aimed to build a solid backbone for the platform that would support all additional features and functionality while not barrowing anyting from the PMD build.

Important Pieces:

  • Admin Auth
  • Models, Views, Controller for all Modules
  • Reporting Dashboard

(1) Manage Patients

One of my top priorities was to nail down the management of patients in the admin panel. 

We needed to take incoming orders and create detailed patient records that included everything from profile information and onboarding details to delivery addresses and billing info via Stripe.

Within the first month the platform supported:

  • Full CRUD For Patient Profile
  • Full CRUD For Patient Delivery Address
  • Full Crud for Incoming Questionnaire Results
  • Full CRUD For Blood Panels
  • Full Visibility Into Orders

(2) Manage Products

We needed the ability to house products with unlimited categories and attributes, allowing for extensive product options and customization for pricing, billing and future subscription models.

Matching the product columns and parameters that are currently in Bask was also a top priority. 

(3) Manage Orders

Managing orders was a bit more complex and even more crucial since it addressed a major problem in the current system. This task wasn't just about rebuilding components but about fixing core issues to ensure smooth operations.

The Nimbus order system is a multi-step process. Order creation has to queue up an API call to Beluga, record the time, response, and status of each order, as well as creating the Beluga patient record. 

To handle this, I designed the ordering process with a visual pipeline in mind. Each step in the process records status changes and can trigger events based on its current step.

This approach allows us to monitor and manage orders more effectively, ensuring each stage is tracked and any issues could be quickly identified and resolved. 

Additional Wins

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Internal Messaging

This system facilitates realtime communication between admin, customer service, and patients, while also supporting both brick-and-mortar and API-based providers. Key features include real-time messaging and push notifications, ensuring instant updates and maintaining transparency. Admin and customer service teams also have full visibility into all patient-provider conversations. This infrastructure is data and pulse-driven, designed to keep our operations responsive and fully connected.

Internal Messaging

This system facilitates realtime communication between admin, customer service, and patients, while also supporting both brick-and-mortar and API-based providers. Key features include real-time messaging and push notifications, ensuring instant updates and maintaining transparency. Admin and customer service teams also have full visibility into all patient-provider conversations. This infrastructure is data and pulse-driven, designed to keep our operations responsive and fully connected.

A collage of icons related to health and addiction.
A graphic of a website with a phone on it

  Synchronous Panel

I developed an admin panel for providers. This panel caters to both asynchronous and brick-and-mortar providers, enabling them to log in, view their schedules, write prescription orders, and communicate directly with staff and patients. The interface ensures that providers can efficiently manage their daily tasks and patient interactions, streamlining their workflow and enhancing overall productivity. This admin panel is a critical component of our platform, designed to support the diverse needs of our healthcare providers.

Synchronous Panel

I developed an admin panel for providers. This panel caters to both asynchronous and brick-and-mortar providers, enabling them to log in, view their schedules, write prescription orders, and communicate directly with staff and patients. The interface ensures that providers can efficiently manage their daily tasks and patient interactions, streamlining their workflow and enhancing overall productivity. This admin panel is a critical component of our platform, designed to support the diverse needs of our healthcare providers.

A graphic of a website with a phone on it

Stripe Integration

I implemented Stripe integration to streamline handle what was the current payment processes. This integration handles pre-authorization charges and finalizes transactions based on specific triggers, ensuring a finalized payment upon RX being approved. Additionally, it allows patients to manage their billing preferences directly within the platform, offering flexibility and convenience.

A graphic of a website with a phone on it

Stripe Integration

I implemented Stripe integration to streamline handle what was the current payment processes. This integration handles pre-authorization charges and finalizes transactions based on specific triggers, ensuring a finalized payment upon RX being approved. Additionally, it allows patients to manage their billing preferences directly within the platform, offering flexibility and convenience.

A screenshot of a website with a dashboard and a payment card.
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